Crash Course

Quality content has the power to build trust, credibility…
a following…a brand…and expert status…

But it will do nothing but waste your time and money
if your content doesn’t stick and make an impact.

Here’s how to make sure your content pays off

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Leon Altman Content, Copy and Conversion Expert

Leon Altman
Content, Copy and Conversion Expert

Entrepreneurs – as well as all marketers – have been told that content marketing is the way to break through today – to win your prospects’ trust, to earn credibility and expert status and attract more sales.

Well all that’s true. The problem is now in every niche there is a ton of content published every day. So your audience filters out most of it.

You’ve got maybe a few seconds to get their initial attention. And then you have to keep earning their attention and interest throughout your content. You can lose it at any moment if your content doesn’t engage and hold their attention.

Fact is, very little content sticks and makes an impact with your prospects. The businesses in your niche that do create content that sticks, surge ahead and have a massive advantage.

When your content sticks:[/text_block]

  • You create influence for yourself in your niche
  • You become recognized as an authority/expert in your field
  • You build credibility
  • You build trust
  • You build a brand
  • Your content gets shared
  • Google sends you more traffic
  • You attract more prospects
  • You presell your offer so the sale is easier and faster, and you get more sales
  • Your product launches are far more successful
  • Influential people want to work with you
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_color=”%23000″]So what’s the secret to making your content stick?

That’s what my course – The Sticky Content Creation Crash Course – is about. It gathers scientific information from Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania, as well as my experience of 30 years of creating content and copy for a wide range of clients.

I’ve gathered the information and put together the ultimate crash course to learn how to make your content sticky.

What kind of content am I talking about in this course?
The principles of storytelling, structure, and metaphors work in just about any kind of content you use in your marketing. Blogs, articles, reports, white papers, videos, web pages, webinars, etc. Any content that is meant to engage, educate, inform. Education-based content is more critical to selling your products and services today than ever before.

I’ve seen the growing importance of content marketing from the front lines. As a copywriter and, creative director for 30 years I’ve created campaigns for clients large and small. From IBM, Pfizer, Novartis, Citibank, Merrill Lynch, and Coldwell Banker to many small businesses and entrepreneurs.

And much of what I’ve done over the past 15 years is integrate content into the sales process. For example: I was the one of the lead writers on creating the website for the launch iShares – one of the biggest financial launches ever. It was critical to create web pages that engaged investors and at the same time educate them in a simple straightforward about this new investment vehicle.

Through the years I’ve helped many businesses and entrepreneurs create and refine content so it’s stickier and more effective in the sales process. Here are just a few quotes:[/text_block]

“Learn from one of the best.” “I’ve worked with Leon on a myriad of projects in several different business niches throughout my career: Financial; Tech; Social; Retail; Real Estate.  He’s also coached and mentored me along the way – always reminding me of the critical importance of “getting to the heart of your message” and doing so in a “compelling and interesting way”. Today, I’m the top marketing content guy and serial blogger for Cushman & Wakefield, Northern California, I have to say his advice, sagacity and talent have been priceless. You want to learn? Then learn from one of the best.

Mike Kirner
VP Content Marketing, Cushman & Wakefield Realtors

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″]Here’s what the head of a successful coaching and consulting business said after going through the sticky content crash course[/text_block]

“It was invaluable”

“Leon was recommended to me by another business consultant. I started with his Sticky Content Creation Crash course which includes an excellent guide to using stories in copy. I highly recommend it.

Robert Cornish
Master Coach, Founder of Infinability and a business leadership

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_color=”%23000″]Here’s what you’ll learn and be able to implement when you go through the Sticky Content Creaiton Crash Course[/text_block]

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans”]Why sticky content is vital to your success[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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Module 1: Sticky content principles


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  • How to tell if your content sticks
  • Ways to make your content sticky


[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” top_margin=”-14″]Including research from Stanford University and University of Penn.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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Module 2: Templates ands structures that stick


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  • Following proven templates and structures make it easy to organize and create content that will stick. These templates will show you how to frame your content so it makes a stronger and lasting impact with your prospects.
  • Action steps to so you are able to start using templates and structures for your own content.


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Module 3: Story Selling


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  • Why stories work so well
  • Clearing up the misperception of the “origin” story
  • How having a story palette will enable you to paint a brighter, memorable picture of your brand, your product and your services
  • Where to find great stories to use
  • How I’ve used stories to help my clients business grow
  • Templates for stories you can use to inspire prospects to work with you
  • Action step so you can start using stories to make your business memorable


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Module 4: Using metaphors to Make Your Content Stick


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  • Why using the right metaphor can turn your content from boring to brilliant
  • Examples of how metaphors were used to make content very sticky
  • Examples of how I’ve used metaphors to make my content sticky
  • Wondering how to find and apply the right metaphors for your content? I’ll tell you the secret to finding never-ending sources of the right metaphors for your busines
  • Action steps to drive home the lessons of using metaphors


[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” top_margin=”-14″]This course is focused on being practical for you. Examples, templates, formulas and actions steps will give you a great handle on how to make all of your content sticky.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]


Special Discount

Fact is, I’m tired of entrepreneurs hearing about the benefits of content marketing and then spending a great deal of time and money with little results.

Content marketing CAN be the most powrful force for vaulting you into expert status and building trust and credibility – but only if your content sticks and makes an impact.

And I’ve seen too many hard working entrepreneurs lose out on the huge benefits of successful content. So I want to spread the word about STICKY content.

And right now I’m making the course an absolute no-brainer for you . . . .
The fee for this course is normally $197. However if you act now you can get it for only $97.

Special Limited Bonus

I know that personal ATTENTION on content marketing can be the game changer. So for a limited time I’m offering a PRIVATE content marketing session.

Get a 20 minute, one-on-one laser coaching session with me. Ask any content creation questions and let’s discuss how you can make an impact and attract more customers with your content.

Since this is one on one I can only offer a limited number of sessions. So if you want to make sure you get this special bonus and this special price, just click below and order now.