How to hook up with big joint venture partners before it’s too late

Leon Altman on the stage holding up presentation

Last summer I was on a train to the Jersey Shore and decided to listen to a teleseminar/webinar on my smartphone. It was about joint ventures. I was doing fine with SEO and other methods but hadn’t really used joint ventures.

I knew they would be pitching some club at some point. I just wanted to listen to what they said but had no intention of joining.
What they said was eye-opening – in a way that made total sense.

The two people running webinar, Milana Leshinsky and Rich German told how they built a mailing of almost 100,000 subscribers and a 7-figure business using joint ventures.

It was very convincing but I had no intention of joining their inner circle. Then they talked about the jv community they have developed. A community where people can joint venture together, seek out partners, all sorts of things. That’s in addition to a course revealing their joint venture secrets.

I couldn’t believe that I was thinking about joining. Then with some doubts along with a lot of anticipation I joined.

The experience has been great. I hooked up with a number of joint ventures- made my money back from the course 10x over, appeared onstage at the community’s joint venture event (that’s me in the picture presenting to big joint venture “Sharks”). All that in just a few months.

I tell you this because they are closing registration for the club in a few days. I urge you to check out their webinar and think about joining before it’s too late.

This webinar  will only be up for a short time. Click below to register
(yes, it’s an affiliate link- but I am absolutely a member and you’ll see me in the group if you join.)

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