Turning eye-glazing slides into a kick-butt Slideshare presentation


Slide presentations are one of the staples of content marketing and can be as effective and persuasive as any marketing venue. With Slideshare your presentations also get a big viral boost with social sharing.

However, many fail to take full advantage of Slideshare’s potential, producing eye-glazing slides more sleep-inducing than mega doses of Ambien. With some imagination, creativity, graphics and conceptual thinking, even the most abstract topics can be turned into  Slideshare presentations that engage and stick to your prospects wherever they are.

Here are some examples of how an abstract technology topic is turned into memorable, dramatic and even humorous slides. In this SlideShare presentation Mary Meeker of venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers  presents her research on tech trends.

There are certainly enough data graphs in the presentation to please a conference hall of  Harvard/Stanford/Wharton MBAs. The graphs are well done, but obviously Meeker felt the need to punch things up and dramatize her point about how much things have changed.

Here in this series of slides within the presentation she shows a “before-and-after” sequence of how typical activities used to be done and how things have changed.

Re-Imagination of Life Stories

Re-Imagination of Note Taking

Re-Imagination of Drawing

Re-Imagination of Photography

Re-Imagination of Diaries

Re-Imagination of News

Simple. Eye-catching. Dramatic.

from Kleiner Perkins presentation

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