Key Elements to Write a Story that Sticks in the Minds of Your Prospects

Stories can be injected into just about any content to make it more compelling and intriguing. The story might just be couple of sentences o make a point more colorful. Or the entire article. Might be focused on a narrative.

So what are the elements of a sticky story?

A good plot is the primary element of sticky stories. Strong plots begin not in the beginning but in the middle of the action. A likable or identifiable hero overcomes a challenge (business problem, health issue, etc.). The struggle the hero undergoes must correspond to the struggle (challenge, issue) that the reader confronts.

The struggle can be represented by another character, long-held traditions, industry conventions, etc. These obstacles create conflict- which makes the story sticky.

The solution (your service or product) becomes more vivid and satisfying when presented in the context of the conflict and challenges the hero faces and overcomes.

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